Seedz of Revolution is a research and documentary film series that examines and documents the ways in which young people of African descent experience, perform, and create liberation for themselves and their communities.
Browse our Doc Series page for videos that feature educators, organizers and veteran movement builders providing unique insight and guidance on youth empowerment and revolution.
The first installment of the documentary series, Seedz of Revolution: Growing Up New Afrikan, reflects Dr. Asantewa Sunni-Ali's doctoral dissertation “Performing New Afrikan Childhood: Agency, Conformity and the Spaces in between.” The film centers on offspring of the 1968 proposed independent Black nation state, The Republic of New Africa. It explores their multi-layered consciousness and how they continue the revolutionary legacies of their elders and ancestors. In the series revolution is conceptualized as: 1) an ever-evolving and continuous process of dismantling oppressive systems; 2) a positive transformation of individual lives, communities, and societies; and 3) a strive towards equity as it relates to gender, class, race, age, religion, and sexuality.
Future research sites of Black Seed and Seedz of Revolution include communities throughout the African Diaspora such as the Garifuna in Belize (Central America), Maroons and Rastafarians in Jamaica, and youth organizations in Gambia, Senegal, Ghana, and South Africa. In each site, Asantewa, the project’s principal researcher, will work within existing local networks to assemble research participants and a film production crew.
Creator - Producer - Director
Asantewa manages the production logistics and works with research participants, creative talent, and production members to bring stories emerging from her research to life on screen. Asantewa endeavors to utilize Seedz as a platform to document and share cultural practices and revolutionary strategies as tools for constructing a liberated future for African descended and other oppressed populations.
Acts of Liberation, LLP is a Seedz producing agent, consultant, and collaborator. This organization uses literacy, radical self-reflection, cultural immersion, performing and visual arts to empower, educate, and engage disenfranchised communities.
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Schedule a screening with optional workshop, lecture and/or talk-back.